Welcome to Our Christian Minecraft Server – LOP

A place where faith, fun, and friendship explode in the virtual world of Minecraft! ​
One-of-a-kind Christian metaverse, specially crafted for children and youths to play, grow, and learn together in Christ.

Patrick and Lily
Founder of Land of Promise

Faith-based Metaverse

Immerse yourself in a world of wonder with interactive Bible stories, engaging quests, inspiring workshops, and virtual gatherings designed to foster fellowship and spiritual growth.

Apply to be an Ambassador Today

We are looking for ambassadors to join the team and spread the word on the Land of Promise!


Hear from Kids’ Parents!


Our Roadmap

March 2022

Project Commencement

Aug 2022

Working Prototype (Completed)

Oct 2022

Early Closed Access (Ongoing)

Feb 2023

Development of Play & Learn Bible Curriculum (Ongoing)

June 2023

Pilot Testing with Churches

2023 Quarter 4

Soft Launch (Selected trials)

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A Project of Mehtaverse Community